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Organization, Meetings and Governing Structure

Download our MS Word or .pdf one-page brochure here: AAVL one-page brochure MS Word   AAVL one-page brochure.pdf.

AAVL is a special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB).  It is incorporated in the District of Columbia as a non-profit corporation.  Its founders recognized that older persons dealing with sight loss, whether this is a new condition or one they have faced for a long time, have special concerns and desired to establish an organization that would focus on the challenges faced by this group.
Membership in AAVL is open to all with no or limited vision or who have an interest in vision loss.  The annual membership fee is $15.  Download AAVL Membership Form here or visit our Membership page for more information. Members meet during ACB’s annual convention in July.
AAVL is governed by elected officers and a Board.  Current officers are as follows:
President: Doug Powell,
Vice President: Anisio Correia,
Secretary: Sharon Strzalkowski,
Treasurer: Kathy Gerhardt,
 President Emeritus: Jeff Thom

All officers serve on the Board.  The other current Board members are Danette Dixon, Larry Johnson, Sue Staley and Sandy Troiano.

Contact Information:

AAVL Treasurer: Kathy Gerhardt

Phone: (304) 283-7424

Committee Contacts:

AAVL 25th Anniversary/Awards Committee Chair: Larry Johnson

Advocacy Committee Chair: Anisio Correia

By-Laws Committee Chair: Sandy Troiano

Events Committee Chair: Danette Dixon

Fundraising Committee Chair: Paul Lewis

Membership Committee Chair: Sharon Strzalkowski

Nominating Committee: Regina Marie Brink

Publication/ Outreach Committee Chair: Katie Frederick

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Read about AAVL's Mission and Purpose here.
Read AAVL's Bylaws here.
Download the AAVL ByLaws here.
Download the AAVL Membership Form here or visit our Membership page for more information.
Download the AAVL Code of Conduct Policy here.

AAVL is proud to announce the formation of both the California Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss and the Oregon Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss.  Both have become chapter members of AAVL.  AAVL welcomes them and any other state or other groups that have similar missions and objectives and that would like to become chapters.

AAVL is a member of the National Coalition on Aging and Vision Loss which is facilitated by the VisionServ Alliance.  The Coalition will focus on issues relating to personnel, awareness and funding.

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