About Us

AAVL is a special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB). It is incorporated in the District of Columbia as a non-profit corporation. Its founders recognized that older persons dealing with sight loss, whether this is a new condition or one they have faced for a long time, have special concerns and desired to establish an organization that would focus on the challenges faced by this group.

Membership in AAVL is open to all with no or limited vision or who have an interest in vision loss.  The annual membership fee is $15.  Download AAVL Membership Form here or visit our Membership page for more information.  Members meet during ACB's annual convention in July.

AAVL is governed by elected officers and a Board.  See our Contact Us page.

AAVL’s Board meets monthly, generally on the first Sunday of every month starting at 8:00 PM Eastern time, 7:00 PM Central time, 6:00 PM Mountain time, 5:00 PM Pacific time and 2:00 PM Hawaiian time. All AAVL members and anyone interested in joining AAVL or learning more about its activities are welcome. The meetings are held on Zoom and the AAVL listserv provides the Zoom info for AAVL meetings shortly before they occur. To keep abreast of AAVL events, you can join the aavl-l listserv, or join AAVL for $15/year by contacting AAVL's Treasurer at treasurer@aavl-blind-seniors.org.

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